Accessories, Components and Peripherals
Here you will find accessories, components and peripherals for your TUXEDO system.
Nothing suitable found here? Get in touch with us directly!
More sub catagories:
Additional and spare batteries for your TUXEDO Book. So that you don't run out of energy on the road.
High-quality monitors in various sizes for your TUXEDO
Work flexibly with hubs and docking stations
Reading tips for beginners, switchers or advanced users. Note: Books are only available in German!
Input Devices & Peripherals>
Mice, keyboards, adapters and external drives
Bags & Sleeves>
For the comfortable and safe transport of your TUXEDO
Fan Merchandise>
Everyone loves Tux! Here you will find your personal companion made of plush.
Notebook Power Supplies & Cords>
Additional and spare power supplies for your TUXEDO Book. A power supply for home and one for the office or second home?
Components & Complements>
TUXEDO Books are easy and individually upgradeable. Single components and complements for subsequent ordering can be found here.
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