Can I configure and control the keyboard illumination by myself? - TUXEDO Computers

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Can I configure and control the keyboard illumination by myself?

Yes, you can do this with our tuxedo-keyboard driver. At the moment there exists noch graphical user interface, but it will come to the TUXEDO Control Center! Currently you can control it by a simple config-file.

This config-file can be found at the following address, if it doesn't exist, you have to create it there:


Please open the file with root persmissions within an editor.
With the terminal you could do this for example this way: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/tuxedo_keyboard.conf The contents of the file could look like this: options tuxedo-keyboard mode=0 brightness=75 color_left=0xFFFFFF color_center=0xFFFFFF color_right=0xFFFFFF Now you are free to configure the brightness and color as you whish. The brightness can be set from 0 up to 255 and the colors have to be hexadezimal values. It is not possible to control different zones on every keyboard.