TUXEDO Control Center and drivers under Debian - TUXEDO Computers

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TUXEDO Control Center and drivers under Debian

Debian pursues a very conservative update and release policy. New Debian versions are only released approximately every two years. Updates to new program versions therefore always take quite a while. However, as the development of the TUXEDO Control Center is constantly progressing and the TUXEDO drivers are also constantly being updated, we recommend installing these programs manually under Debian.

TUXEDO Control Center and drivers

We provide the necessary packages in our repositories. You can obtain the latest packages via the following links. Download the latest version of the TUXEDO Control Center and the TUXEDO Drivers package to your hard disk. In the following, we assume that you have stored the files in the ~/Downloads folder.

Note: DEB packages are package files in the Debian package format that contain software applications and their dependencies. These packages are used to install software on Debian-based systems such as Debian itself, Ubuntu and their derivatives.

Manual installation via GUI

Note:In the following, we will use GNOME as the desktop environment. If you do not want to install Gnome-specific applications such as GDebi under a different desktop environment such as KDE Plasma, then follow the section “Manual installation via terminal” at the end of this article.

To install DEB packages via the graphical user interface, it is best to use the GDebi Package Installer program, which you can install via the Synaptic Package Manager. Alternatively, use the command sudo apt install gdebi to install the application.

After installation, right-click on the downloaded DEB files and select the GDebi Package Installer with Open With…. Use the Install Package button to install the package. As the TUXEDO Control Center requires the drivers from the TUXEDO Drivers package, start with the package tuxedo-drivers_VERSION_all.deb.

After installing the two packages, the TUXEDO Control Center is immediately available to you without restarting the computer; you call it up from the application menu. The TUXEDO Control Center can be installed in this way on a permanently installed Debian, as well as in the live version of the distribution if you only want to test Debian first.

Manual installation via terminal

Alternatively, you can use the terminal to install the TUXEDO Control Center and the TUXEDO drivers. To do this, download the DEB packages (you will find the links at the beginning of these instructions) and copy the files to /tmp. Then open a terminal window and change into the temp folder.

To be on the safe side, use ls to check whether the files are really in the directory. Then use the command line frontend of the Debian package management apt for installation. Please note that you must write ./ in front of the filename in the last command in order to specify the relative path.

cd /tmp
ls -al *.deb
sudo apt install ./tuxedo*.deb