Help & Support

Sometimes things don't work out as expected and help or support from specialists is needed. In this section you will find both general instructions and device-specific information as well as frequently asked questions to help you clarify your request. If the questions remain unanswered, our TUXEDO Computers support is at your disposal.
Our "Help and Support" area is your first point of contact for questions and requests.
We are constantly expanding this area and are open to your wishes. A short e-mail to is enough!
Frequently asked questions>
Here you will find the most frequently asked questions, which we have answered briefly and concisely. We are constantly working on expanding the range of questions and look forward to your feedback! If you cannot find a solution to your case here...
Under our instructions you will find help on various topics, e.g. how to install another desktop on your device or how to manually add the TUXEDO Computers package sources. For the first steps towards self-help, you will find various instructions...
Help for my device>
Many devices work differently. Therefore, you can find instructions and information specific to your device in this section. Please also check the other general categories to see if you can find suitable answers. In this section you can find inst...