TUXEDO Control Center, TCC, TCC install - Can I install the TUXEDO Control Center on other distributions and computers? - TUXEDO Computers

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Can I install the TUXEDO Control Center on other distributions and computers?

Can I install the TUXEDO Control Center on every Linux distribution?


The TUXEDO Control Center (TCC) is basically functional on any Linux distribution, but on non-Ubuntu systems (e.g. Arch or similar) some functions may not work 'out of the box'.


In several non-Ubuntu distributions, the TCC is also available as a package in their respective repositories. However, these are not maintained by us. In addition to that, according to our open source philosophy, the project is also available here.


The full functionality is given on any TUXEDO with our pre-installed Linux distributions (TUXEDO_OS or Ubuntu). On other Linux operating systems, the functionality can unfortunately not be guaranteed to the full extent.


For a best-possible compatibility with our TUXEDO Control Center  the following requirements are mandatory:

  • Debian-based (Ubuntu, Linux Mint etc.)
  • Linux kernel version 5.10 or newer
  • Packages needed: tuxedo-drivers, libayatana-appindicator3-1



Can I use the TUXEDO Control Center on a non-TUXEDO notebook?


Depending on the hardware configuration, the TUXEDO Control Center may also run on non-TUXEDO notebooks. However, a TUXEDO is required for full functionality and compatibility.


Why? Differences to non-TUXEDO notebooks can be found in some adjustments of the EC (Embedded Controller) firmware, which we do for best compatibility with our Linux drivers and the TCC.


The TCC makes deep modifications in the hardware behavior possible (such as our fan control or CPU power settings), which means that it may simply not work technically on other, unoptimized devices.


During the TCC installation we do not check whether it gets installed on a TUXEDO device and both drivers and TCC are of course open source. However, the best compatibility and functionality can accordingly only be guaranteed on a TUXEDO with its adapted firmware.


Likewise, we can not of course provide advice & assistance for third-party devices as we do for our TUXEDO customers..



And how do I install the TCC on my TUXEDO?


If you purchased your TUXEDO already pre-installed with TUXEDO_OS or Ubuntu or re-set it up via our included WebFAI USB stick, you don't need to do anything else. Everything is already pre-installed and set up ready to use.


If you want to do your own Linux installation, the driver packages have to be installed afterwards. This can be done manually and requires the tuxedo-drivers package in addition to the actual TCC software package. Please install the tuxedo-drivers package first and afterwards the TCC software package.


In a few weeks our little "helper" will do the driver installation even automatically: TUXEDO Tomte is a little pixie (in reference to the swedish fairy tale character) that recognizes a TUXEDO device and installs all necessary packages and bug fixes.


So life with Linux will soon be a bit easier and better. :-)