Sponsoring - TUXEDO Computers

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We sponsor projects - including yours!

As a responsible company that focuses 100% on Linux and Open Source, we primarily support regional and nationwide Linux- as well as community projects and Linux User Groups with various material and financial services. As a cooperation partner, we are also available for digitization projects as well as for prospective founders and focus on the exchange of experience and knowledge.

We also provide equipment on loan for events to view or use at information days, trade fairs, various hackathons and other events. Thus we promote the growing interest in technology, programming and contribute to promote the free operating system Linux among other interested parties and target groups.


These associations and projects are currently benefiting


Kieler Linuxtage, openSUSE Conference, openSUSE Project, LUG Sauerland, Nextcloud Conference, Chemnitzer Linuxtage, Hackerkiste Augsburg, Tübix, Barcamp Digitalisierung Augsburg, Linux Presentation Day, Holarse, Making Games Conference, Linux-Infotag Augsburg, CeBit, Pi and more, OPEN! 2017 - Konferenz für digitale Innovation, Digitales Zentrum Schwaben, aitiRaum, EHC Königsbrunn, Zoo Augsburg (Penguin godparenthood), GermenchLive, Kids OpenLab Dornbirn (ein Angebot der Plattform für Digitale Initiativen), phaenovum Schülerforschungszentrum Lörrach-Dreiländereck and many more.


You are also in demand

We are happy to support you and your Linux-, Open Source-, Penguin- or Sponsored Project! Write a short e-mail, present your project, describe which services you need and in which period. We will give you feedback and clarify further steps with you!

We are looking forward to your request and to supporting you and your project!